Adult Ministries

Our primary goal in the Sonshine Class is to bring special needs individuals and their families into a sustaining, empowering relationship with God through the love of Jesus Christ. We also strive to help those with special needs maintain and increase life skills through fellowship and service. Family members and caregivers are welcome to participate, but also invited to let us care for your special need individual while you attend other classes offered in the church.
We’re a growing, thriving group, and we’ve got the flexibility to meet a wide range of special needs, so please visit us soon!
Transportation may be available if needed.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in this class, please contact Don Fredrickson or the church office at (503) 655-9326.

The Kind of Men TCBT Needs:
- GREETers
- GIVErs
- PRAYers
- AMENers