Pastor Sam Wilder
TCBT is blessed to have a very active Senior ministry. 
Sunday in the Sanctuary at 9:45AM
2nd & 4th Tuesday each month   
Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at 10AM
3rd Tuesday each month               
Field Trip, meet at church at 10AM
3rd Sunday each month
Luncheon ($5) in the Fellowship Hall after AM Church Service
Our FREE Senior Shuttle is available for transportation to and from Sunday morning services.
If you have any questions regarding TCBT’s Senior ministries, activities or transportation,  please contact the church office at (503) 655-9326.


Ms. Rosalee Salsbury
Sonshine Class

Our primary goal in the Sonshine Class is to bring special needs individuals and their families into a sustaining, empowering relationship with God through the love of Jesus Christ. We also strive to help those with special needs maintain and increase life skills through fellowship and service. Family members and caregivers are welcome to participate, but also invited to let us care for your special need individual while you attend other classes offered in the church.

We’re a growing, thriving group, and we’ve got the flexibility to meet a wide range of special needs, so please visit us soon!

Transportation may be available if needed.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in this class, please contact Don Fredrickson or the church office at (503) 655-9326.

Mrs. Jill Fechter
Women’s Ministry Director
As the Ladies Ministry Director I see myself working with the ladies of Tri-City Baptist Temple to have activities, ministries and events that will draw us closer to the Lord and each other. 
I would like us to pray and study God’s word together, worship the Lord in song, share testimonies and blessings, mentor by sharing wisdom gained in life’s lessons learned.
“Therefore,my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
Mr. Gordon Fechter
Men’s Ministry Director
Our men’s ministry is filled with opportunities to serve God through Bible  Studies ~ Prayer Meetings ~ Men’s Breakfast ~ Fellowship & Activities ~ Men’s Retreat.  Come and join us at TCBT ~ be the man God has chosen you to be!

The Kind of Men TCBT Needs:

  • GREETers
  • ATTENDers
  • GIVErs
  • PRAYers
  • AMENers
“When a man knows who he is in Christ, that he is created in the image of God, is no longer held captive by the opinions of others or care whether he lives or dies…  he is extremely dangerous. Dangerous for good! (Brent Henderson)